. John
Constable, phonograph engineer, was given the responsibility
for taking the Amberola from the lab the Works. The product engineer was
the logical outcome the product specific work that the lab
had done since the formation TAE Inc. Despite the efforts this new
department and several committees, the liaison between the West
Orange laboratory and the Phonograph Works was poor and the
development the disc machine had underlined this deficiency.
Each part the production process was carried out a
different worker; from the researcher who produced the first
rough design the clerk the Phonograph Works who listed
the parts, the new product passed through many different hands. The attempt formalize production
engineering with the creation the Engineering Department was
described Chapter Eight.X-28
The creation the job product engineer illustrates
the shift the laboratory's effort support the
manufacturing effort the divisions. the case the
business phonograph, Holland had been acting the product
engineer since 1910, and the changes 1915/1916 merely
confirmed his role phonograph development. The product
engineer grew out the laboratory's commitment standardize
manufacturing methods.
The engineers developing the Amberola phonograph the years
before the fire decided that one person should made
responsible for all stages product's development; the man
who made the model should also lay out the method its
manufacture and supervise its routing through the works