This work were provide the foundation for
innovation the future. The corporate laboratories were under the
control the management the corporations who financed the
operations. These men used
scientific methods their laboratory work and and wrote
scholarly articles.. As
one historian commented, "To manager concerned with meeting
the competition matters service, price. The experiments in
electromagnetism carried out during the first decade the
laboratory were scientific investigations without short term
Kennelly went make great contributions electricity,
the former inventor and the latter one the eminent
nineteenth century electrical engineers. They used defensive weapon rather than
directing towards producing revolutionary new technology. Fessenden wrote several articles about his
work West Orange the 1880s and 1890s, but Edison would
not give him permission publish them. Edison would not let
academic freedom give his competitors any business secrets, and
in this was different from the men who ran the corporate
laboratories the twentieth century.and technical
capabilities, research meant working towards straight forward
The Edison laboratory was insulated from the demands of
corporate policy, unlike the many industrial research
laboratories its era who had prove their worth cost
conscious management. Fessenden and Kennelly
were free conduct expensive research for scientific goals
with the minimum interference