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Their efforts did not always meet with approval from the film committee West Orange and Hutchison was forever complaining about the poor .IX-37 specially built absorb the reflected sounds that ruined sound tracks. had filled note book with fresh ideas because had point make, telling Hutchison that "we are the only people who can it.. The problems reflected sound the studio made imperative that the actor directly speak into the horn to heard." Here Edison revealed the basic strategy of the phonograph and film operations; commercial success could be attained with technical perfection that overcame aesthetic or dramatic considerations. Edison was going full out improve the technical performance the kinetophone.show the theatrical people that scientific people can beat them their 51 own business.. The kinetophone team the laboratory soon discovered that technical considerations dominated sound motion pictures; the technical man, especially the recording engineer, had dominate the proceedings the result was cloudy 52 sound track." The attention the laboratory staff was technical problems and technical merit, each man was concerned that his area of responsibility produced the right results and Edison's standards. The overall concern with the technical rather than the dramatic was surely appropriate one for "the best lab ever. The short kinetophone subjects were therefore directed technical staff who placed the actors and staged dialogue achieve technical standards