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IX-36 quickly declined and never fully paid back the expenses of experiments. the beginning 1914 told Hutchison that the full resources the Edison enterprise would soon given over to talking pictures and that they were going "perfect the kinetophone the limit. expected, the novelty value soon wore off, but the novelty the kinetoscope, for example, lasted much longer than one year." Instead filming around the existing schedule the Bronx and studios, Hutchison was soon going have his own kinetophone studio West Orange . The first talking picture was introduced 1913, but met with little success; was too difficult control the kinetophone with string that reached from the machine (which was next the screen), the projection booth. More than one kinetophone show was booed off the stage! The problems could traced back the underpaid operators and the rats who ate through the control cords. The projectionist was too busy run the machine and therefore the exhibitor had hire operator specifically for the kinetophone. One error synchronization could turn a triumph into disaster and cheers into jeers from the audience. A further problem was the lack enthusiasm and expertise the 50 part the low-paid operators. The decline the kinetophone is best explained the problems maintaining and operating a highly complex machine. Edison was embarrassed the theatrical disasters his new invention, but was not going let one failure stop him