The kinetophone provided this for 1913 was the
major profit maker Edison's many companies."
Edison had characteristically signed agreements for
foreign exhibition kinetophones which covered Europe, the
Far East, South America and the Pacific.
Unfortunately after brilliant start, the kinetophone
. The first public performances a
vaudeville house New York led the press announce yet
another marvel from the West Orange laboratory.IX-35
that his was the best. All the resources of
the lab and Works were applied this large order, which
brought thousands dollars. Enthusiastic
audiences thrilled the kinetophone all over the country in
1913 Edison's men took the kinetophone the road. The high
novelty value brought the crowds and the New York Times
noted "gasps astonishment could heard the audience" as
the pictures the screen spoke. The financial strain of
developing the disc made imperative for the Edison
laboratory develop winning product recoup some the
losses. The motion picture business
involved the exchange film subjects with European producers
and exhibitors and the kinetophone was exception. Unlike
the debut the kinetoscope 1894, the kinetophone was of
major commercial importance TAE Inc. The Talkies had begun well
before "The Jazz Singer. Edison
made films for foreign consumption and acquired several
kinetophone subjects from German studios. This business was
truly multinational the eve the First World War