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There were more highly expensive forays into new technologies West Orange? the kinetophone was the last hurrah the "best lab ever. The failure produce commercial system talking pictures hurt the Edison enterprise and must have been severe disappointment the "old man. The kinetophone was the last the highly ambitious experimental projects which had characterized the West Orange laboratory the nineteenth century. further effort was made to develop talking pictures West Orange. The kinetophone failed entertain audiences and soon vanished from the scene." Technology had not triumphed over art. Even the final film was good technical accomplishment, judged the engineers West Orange, still could not compete with professional entertainer who used other systems sound motion pictures.IX-38 quality the films. . Huge amounts money, every possible resource, and the best brains the laboratory had not brought success." Innovation the Edison laboratory was taking conservative and cost-conscious path away from the revolutionary technologies such the talking picture and magnetic ore separation. It was show that audiences wanted and not several unrelated technical demonstrations the capabilities the machine. One observer concluded that compared with good showman with second rate equipment the Edison superior machine still looked 53 "amateurish"