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At first the Engineering Department consisted Schiffl in the laboratory— this reflected the old system the function residing with the man rather than position. Holland devoted his time the business phonograph, probably because Edison was concentrating . Newman Holland was chosen for the job and joined the West Orange laboratory March 1910. But in 1910 the post Chief Engineer was created, and was the first fill it. When the European affiliates the National Phonograph Company were troubled with low price competition, number very cheap machines were sent the West Orange lab, and Dyer reassured them that the Engineering Department would put work design a 61 competitive, low priced cylinder machine. The need develop new phonograph technology, both business and amusement fields, led search for phonograph engineer 1910.VIII-41 decided put the Engineering Department onto the laboratory payroll because was expected that the new department would be producing patentable designs and improvements the 59 phonograph. had fifteen years experience the design electrical apparatus, including five years Western Electric, where had worked in the original design section and rose head experimental laboratory Chicago. His duties and role the organization were diverse. His main duty was redesign phonographs make them cheaper and easier manufacture, for this was the central function the Engineering Department