Its duties included
gathering all data pertinent the change, and then examining
The Engineering Department was important part the
new bureaucratic organization TAE Inc. All suggestions,
requests, and proposals were first considered the Chief
Engineer and after his approval and estimate the cost of
changes, was given the manufacturing committee. major part his job was recording and
distributing information the relevant production research
departments. This body
was comprised executives the National Phonograph Company,
the Chief Engineer, and other works staff.
He designed new parts and improvements for machines and gave
all relevant data and information Weber, who then designed
the machine tools.
The Chief Engineer was the important link between the
researchers the lab and the staff the Phonograph Works. Its work was overseen
by committee that managed expenditure product development,
production engineering and the manufacture tools, and
improvements the manufacturing plant.VIII-42
on the amusement phonograph this time. Holland was placed
under Schiffl's supervision for the Chief Engineer supervised
the development work the experimenters, consulting them
before designed new machines. 1911 all requisitions for outside
engineering manufacturing work had through the Chief
Engineer's office approved and recorded. The Engineering Department became important
processing point the ever increasing paperwork generated by
the West Orange facility