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William Gilmore had initiated the "patent wars" the motion picture business and this dominated its affairs until the creation the Motion Picture Patents Company 1908. Edison's strategy for this business was for monopoly based his patents and the legal department relentlessly harried the competition the courts, driving many them from business. The advertising, accounting, legal and purchasing departments administered growing number of transactions the first decade the twentieth century. The legal department grew out Edison's close relations with his patent lawyers. His failure fully protect his duplication and manufacture records cost him dearly the twentieth century. Each was run professional manager. The complex legal arrangements of the companies formed market phonographs the nineteenth century provided plenty headaches for the legal department . He stressed the economy centralizing all purchasing, for example, into one centralized department that would administer the needs the Edison enterprise. was devoted obtaining and defending Edison's patents and its work the 1900s made a vital part the organization. The patent position was equally important the phonograph business where several crucial Edison patents were disputed. The creation specialized functions the organization had the wholehearted approval of Edison, who viewed this more efficient way business.10 collar work force West Orange and the creation of specialized departments