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The advertising department coordinated the promotion of Edison products nationwide. The laboratory still played significant part moulding the public's impression Edison and his work. Yet the prewar years the Edison organization remained small-scale; the accounting department was centered on . The market for phonographs covered all corners the country and the National Phonograph Company supported newspaper and magazine advertising national basis. This department was become vitally important the hierarchy of managers grew and made more decisions the organization; their need for information grew and did the accounting department. The accounting department labored the herculean task bringing all bookkeeping functions under one organization, and providing the information needed coordinate production and sales. the twentieth century the Edison myth was promoted for the same ends but a much larger scale. Marketing consumer durables brought Edison's name into millions households and the advertising department worked to keep his name, picture, and signature the public mind. The growing size the operation, the diversity of products, and the sheer number transactions carried out by the Edison enterprises demanded centralized administration of bookkeeping and information gathering.11 in the twentieth, keeping busy with financial negotiations and litigation. Edison had been his own promoter in the nineteenth century and had taken the work very seriously