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used the illusion persistence of vision— when the eye retains image short time after has disappeared. Many other machines were available that used moving pictures give the illusion of movement. The rapid development photography the years after the Civil War gave Edison encouragement and inspiration. This device was the work English mathematician W. was always alert opportunities presented technological advance and quick exploit the work others. The zoetrope was comprised number pictures viewed through slots cylinder; the cylinder was turned the pictures appeared move.G. The photographer Eadweard Muybridge greatly impressed Edison and . The revolving cylinder— a recuring motif Edison's inventions— was often the format of toys that gave the visual impression movement, such the zoetrope. His first experiments West Orange were directed finding mechanical means exploit the persistence vision phenomenon moving images quickly past the viewer's line sight. This apparatus shows how Edison used photographic techniques his thinking about O Q recording and reproducing sounds revolving drum. Horner. In his attempt join sight and sound, Edison naturally hoped achieve visual reproduction the same mechanical form reproduced sound, using the phonograph analogy in his first experimental apparatus.VI-32 which focused light chalk drum. Edison knew all about the zoetrope and had bought several other similar toys