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The project that Edison turned over Dickson 1889 had begun adjunct the phonograph. December of 1887, instructed John Ott construct shutter device . Once the new lab, Edison continued think about photography; the shop order books for the lab show that general photographic experiments were begun shortly after the laboratory opened, probably the photographic studio installed the second floor. Dickson, could not devote himself entirely the project; as chief the metallurgical laboratory Building had to divide his time between ore milling and motion pictures. Even the chief experimenter, W." This idea had come him during the work of perfecting the phonograph. Several experiments using photography had been undertaken at the Harrison laboratory, including attempt produce a photographic image sound means reflecting disc attached phonograph which projected the lines sound waves onto long strip paper.31 different projects.L. was one his "stunts"— idea for invention, dream with hint of practicality.K. brought together store of experience one technology and interest another; photography intrigued Edison and had acquired equipment and plates before the move West Orange. Edison thought might possible "devise an instrument that should for the eye what the phonograph does 37 for the ear. the temporary lab at Harrison had discussed his ideas for the possible uses of photography with Dickson, fervent amateur photographer