development West Orange revealing example the
character work the laboratory.VI-30
The development the motion picture perhaps Edison's
greatest inventive achievement the West Orange laboratory.
The motion picture— one the most influential art forms of
the twentieth century— began simple peep-hole machine
which treated the viewer few seconds silent moving
pictures. The work the kinetoscope shows the flexibility of
Edison's workers who had distribute their time over several
This was team project carried out several
experimenters largely Edison's absence and squeezed into a
demanding schedule many other duties. The basic team one
experimenter and assistant was supplemented mechanics
from the machine shops, pattern makers and carpenters from
Building and muckers from the labor pool. The kinetoscope heralded new era mass
entertainment and was the vanguard great new industry. Although the
original idea was Edison's, the successful development the
kinetoscope was more reflection the skills his
experimenters and his ability pick the right men for the
job. The debate about the true
inventor motion pictures academic: very many men made
contributions this technology within the fluid organization
and cooperation Edison's laboratory