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believed was too dangerous used commercially because the high voltages the distribution networks would kill anyone coming into contact with it. Competitors such as the Westinghouse Company combined alternating current distribution networks with direct current lighting systems to provide larger, and probably more economical, systems.V-20 the Edison organization had its part the struggle: the Edison Illuminating Companies redoubled their efforts the marketplace, the Edison Electric Light Company used its patents to harass the competition the courts, and the West Orange laboratory developed new technology needed compete a crowded market. electrical pioneer, realized that . the end the 1880s alternating current had assumed the mantle of electrical supply technology the future, but Edison opposed it for economic and safety reasons and tried prevent its continued diffusion the United States. The main competitive threat the Edison enterprise came from alternating current systems which could reach customers that the direct current systems could not. His risk assessment alternating current was unfavorable. Like many the great engineer-inventors before him, Edison took personal responsibility for the safety and efficiency the technology he introduced. Edison assumed the symbolic leadership these forces and his laboratory stood the center the struggle. The issue safety had first been brought the battle between gas and electric lighting and remained a priority Edison