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Apart from the commercial challenge alternating current, Edison had his own reputation stake the electrification America. His name had become associated with high technology and practical engineering. Edison's name gave the competitive advantage the companies marketing his lighting systems; other person was closely associated with electricity the public mind. The many fires and deaths caused arc lights the 1870s were indication the special risks electrical systems, and was this time that Edison began his lifetime . His reputation, and the wide appeal his name, was asset great value. Edison had ethical and commercial reasons for opposing dangerous technology, fearing that any electrical accident would reflect back him and the companies that bore his name. His electrical lighting system was marketed the basis its safety and reliability. This had been the original reason why the electrical manufacturers accepted stock the lighting companies; brought about union interest between manufacturer and supplier. Edison, and his laboratory, stood behind the equipment bearing his name. was a boon marketing new technology, standing for solid, reliable products that the public could trust.V-21 public confidence was vital for the successful introduction of a new technology. Edison believed that the supplier of electrical technology should have faith his equipment and in the future public lighting