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Poznámky redaktora
Six months operations brought such bad feeling between the Bureau and the engineering departments that the demarcation lines between them had redefined— the Bureau gaining the power initiate and implement all engineering changes. The Bureau also carried out many functions that had originated with Edison's laboratory, such gathering and dissemination operating experience and technical information, acting receptacle for complaints about the system, and making sure all engineering changes were carried out the manufacturers. The rapid expansion the industry had led the creation separate engineering departments illuminating companies and electrical manufacturers. This involved close supervision the many engineering and test departments that were all working individually electrical problems. 1888 the Edison Electric Light Company formed Standardization Bureau to oversee the standardization each component part the Edison electric lighting system.V-19 enterprise was forced become more efficient meet competition and one area improvement was the engineering effort. The central role the West Orange laboratory this reorganization remained unchanged: was to produce innovations when "entirely new forms are required which the factories are not prepared originate. The duplication of engineering services each level the organization was wasteful and the management soon moved rationalize the engineering effort the Edison enterprise." Each part of