they did not so. They were the ones who
had integrate the work engineering into their broad
strategies overcoming the competing companies."
He came believe that the companies had reneged his
initial plan make the West Orange laboratory the spearhead
of electrical development the 1880s." Edison
maintained that had fight the battles the lighting
companies with money from his own pocket, telling Villard that
half the cost meeting the technologial challenge the
competition could not billed the Edison lighting
Competition the electrical industry was ferocious and
getting worse.
Managers had weigh the cost R&D against the immediate
demands keeping the system running.V-18
"leadened collar" that prevented him from quickly developing
new electrical technology.
The managers criticized Edison had easy task. The Edison
. What Edison saw lack vision and courage,
they saw rational decisions about available resources. criticized the directors the Edison Electric
Light Company for their unwillingness use the competitive
tool had constructed for them West Orange, and blamed
them for the gains the competition. Edison complained Villard that
"with the leadened collar the Edison Electric Light Company
around me, have never been able show what can done.. told Villard that
"the Genl were morally bound take advantage the costly
facilities erected primarily for the purpose (of R&D into the
Edison lighting system).