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Edison made this priority his West Orange laboratory. Continual decrease price and improvement performance was therefore necessary stay competitive with the many cheaper lamps the market. Edison developed method mass producing filaments squirting cellulose through die "like Q macaroni," and applied for patent 1888. Several pages computations Edison's hand reveal his strategy increasing output and continually cutting unit costs each incandescent lamp.6%. One the first jobs he gave Fred Ott the new laboratory was construct a machine test the carbonizing properties several hundred Q substances once.4 bulb was incorporated into the larger lighting systems was C estimated increase return capital from 18. Edison's commitment lowering the cost of making bulbs covered manufacture well design. The market for lamps was extremely crowded and the high price the Edison lamp was disadvantage making sales.6% 34. 1889 asked sent reject lamps from the factory because, want experiment see how money can saved" lowering the number rejected . Here was the mind the factory manager work. gave this problem great deal attention the Harrison Works of the Edison Lamp company before moved his experimental base to West Orange and continued work there. He believed that had real talent find ways of cutting costs and part the system was too small merit the great man's attention