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Poznámky redaktora
When the new . This small improvement was instrumental lower production costs, lower prices, greater sales volume, and more profits." Yet had little time investigate the potential the "Edison Effect" because was continually work the incandescent lamp.3 • 3 economizing. In 1886 produced improved lamp with high resistance filament that saved the copper content the conductors and lowered the output load the central stations." ^ Edison's system thinking was probably always centered on improving the bulb— making burn brighter and last longer. Edison had come upon the "Edison Effect" while working this problem, and his discovery this phenomenon earned him the title "Father the Electronics Industry. The bulbs manufactured the Edison Lamp Works c suffered from poor reliability and short life. Guided this philosophy, Edison wanted his laboratory to the driving force reducing the costs the electrical industry. The results achieved along these lines the lab illustrate the importance its work the Edison Illuminating companies. One the major problems was the blackening the inside the bulb by a carbon deposit which led loss candle power. This role was reaffirmed the laboratory contract of 1889 with the Edison General Electric Company: "the gen(era)l company recognizes the importance further perfecting and cheapening the manufacture, installation, maintenance the electric light system