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Poznámky redaktora
Edison had illusions about the competitive nature the electrical industry and saw increased economy the means to dominate the market.2 tour the facilities "for the sole purpose impressing upon them that whatever improvements are made the Edison system that their company will receive them any future time. Edison's electrical research West Orange had two basic goals: improvement the system through research and development, and engineering aimed lowering the costs of generating electricity." The West Orange laboratory stood the center technology that had spread out both sides the Atlantic. one is safe this cold commercial world that can't produce as low his greatest competitor. matter how much money you are making never for instant let on . Edison dreamed time when electric lighting would universally used and knew that the price of the light had come down before appealed mass markets. Its prospectus 1889 stressed the links between Edison's laboratory and the technical staff the Siemens Halske Company (the holders Edison lighting patents Germany), and claimed that "the regular exchange laboratory and manufacturing experience" gave the new company vast advantage not heretofore possessed." Its successor, the Edison General Electric Company, also emphasized the importance the technological resources possessed. letter central station manager, Edison elaborated his mission cutting the costs electric lighting: Try everything you can towards economy