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Vydal: ENIKA spol. s r.o. Autor: Enika

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1 COMMISSIONING 1.CZ s.2009 ■ 4 ing. A A+1 the transmitter input will close the channel one receivers, the input will close the channel the other receiver.04.1, 26. 1). 2. 3.1, 21. Toto prohlášení vydáno výhradní odpovědnost výrobce. 2,5 mm2 433,92 MHz 224 (+232)* C€ Výrobce: typové označení: specifikace: druh výrobku: vysílací frekvence: vf výkon: P ě ENIKA. 5. 1. Connect supply voltage (fig. TX = 1). 230 ±10% Hz 2 >5 kn 12 max. knobs are used only case a single input signal should control multiple state transmitters. Use the and positions set transmission recurrence when controlling single receiver. 2. The fast programming function (EASY PROGRAM­ MING) can also used. This one can controlled only when state transmitter mode position used.1. Set the rotating knob any REC positions. (When the initializa­ tion code programmed the first receiver, first set the MODE knob any positions. In case two receivers are controlled single Tx Signal transmitter, the knob must set the appro­ priate position the REC field. declares that the Signal C DIN, Signal DIN, Signal DIN compli­ ance with the basic requirements and other relevant provisions the Directive 1999/5/ES. B the transmitter channel will close the channel the receiver.2, 21. Set the MODE rotating knob any the or F positions. The transmitter input will open both chan­ nels. Set the MODE rotating knob into any the five po­ sitions not marked A+1.2+A1:08, ČSN 61000-3-2:06 ed. cz/aplikace. 190 PRAHA Pod Harfou 933/86 IČO: 28218167 tímto prohlašuje, výrobek Tx Signal DIN (3299-29900) Tx Signal DIN (3299-29910) Tx Signal DIN (3299-29920) vysílač dálkového ovládání 433,92 MHz 10 dBm -je shodě základními požadavky 426/2000 Sb. Typically, the central function used for controlling lights, external Venetian blinds, etc. Program the transmitter the receiver memory (see operating manual the appropriate receiver).) DELAY and NR. 433 ae­ rial (not included).2, 15. Hereby, ENIKA. knobs will typically remain in default setting DELAY and NR. Prepare the selected receiver. The transmitter can ONLY programmed ON or OFF function. 1).9, 8. Voltage (closed contacts) inputs and transmit­ ting the code and connection the EXT exter­ nal transmitter indicated LED the front panel. Then set the final REC position and program the second receiver. 2.1 Programming inputs for two- channel receivers, input for single-channel re­ ceivers 1.1 Programming inputs for two- channel receivers, programming for receivers controlled the input 1. F (full) information the input state change will be transmitted the moment the change and then re­ peated with maximum delay minutes default setting. 3. function concurrent control, 1. Fig. Connect supply voltage (fig. COMMISSIONING 2. Two main con­ trol modes are available: 1. knob specifies total number transmitters with common input signal. 3.3, 22, 23, 24, 24.2:03+A1:03+1:05+2:05 čl.2 Programming for receivers controlled the B input 1.2, 13.3:2005 návaznosti na ČSN 669-1 ed. Na zařízení není dovoleno provádět dodatečné technické úpravy! / It forbiden any technical modifikations the device! *Při použití přijímače ploucím kódem. A the transmitter channel will close the channel the receiver, the input will close the channel. A A+1 the transmitter input will open the channel one receivers, the input will open the channel the other receiver DELAY and NR. Program the transmitter the receiver memory (see operating manual the appropriate receiver). 8.1.2009-9 podmínek v něm uvedených. 2. (see CENTRAL FUNCTION). For examples setting and programming, see www. WARNING! Only qualified person can connect (disconnect) the transmitter (from) the supply voltage and mains. 2). The transmitter input will open the channel the receiver. DC 0 180 250 Hz 48 kn 0 2,5 9,5 ACIDC 2,2 kn IP 20 ■10 +55 °C (■10 +50 Signal DIN) max. State transmitter 2. Select the function for the receiver according the operating manual the appropriate receiver 4. A the transmitter channel will close the channel the receiver. The DELAY knob specifies delay transmis­ sions order avoid interference individual transmitters. CENTRAL FUNCTION Transmitter inputs work common non-locking but­ tons, i. enika. The NR.o. The transmission in- Fig. N (none) information the input state change will be transmitted only once the moment the change (no recurrence). Prepare the selected receiver (chart 1). Technická data Technical data Signal DIN, DIN, DIN Napájení Power supply: Počet kanálů Number channels: Vstup Input Signal DIN: Vstup Input Signal DIN: Vstup Input Signal DIN: Stupeň krytí System protection: Provozní teplota Operating temperature: Připojovací svorky Terminal block: Provozní kmitočet Frequency: Počet kódů Number codes: Zařízení lze provozovat základě VO-R/10/06. voltage the transmitter input (closed contact) open relay the receiver output.e.DESCRIPTION The transmitter transmits information closed or open contact (present not present voltage). Notes: Rx2 and Rx2 receivers also provide fast program­ ming function (EASY PROGRAMMING) the input is programmed the channel, the input pro­ grammed the channel. When using Light Tango R, Rx Time/Element blind control receivers the Rx Door receiver, use the MODE knob po­ sition. 1).1, 21, 21. 2. Notes: The transmitter initialization codes are programmed to the receiver memory two-button control mode. 2 Chart 1 formation pressing (connection voltage) not repeated. Prepare the selected receiver (chart 1).1. 2). 1). A+B A+B the transmitter input will close both and channels two-channel re­ ceiver. The transmitter input will open the channel the receiver. Prepare the selected receiver (chart 1). Set the MODE rotating knob into any the three positions marked A+1. V Nové Pace dne 24. Use the INIT button the transmitter transmit the initialization code (fig. The Pulse receiver can controlled both A and inputs.3, 15, 15.CZ o. 2. 1.e. platném znění - odpovídá základním požadavkům dalším ustanovením evropské direktivy 1999/5/ES (R&TTE) (Směrnice radiových zařízeních telekomunikačních koncových zařízeních vzájemném uznávání jejich shody) - splňuje požadavky těchto norem předpisů: rádiové parametry: ČSN 300220-3:2000 EMC: ČSN 55022:07 ed. 2. For Rx1 and Rx1 re­ ceivers, the transmitter must programmed the ON/OFF function.1. 1. Power conductors must separated from aerial and, external transmitter used, from connect­ ing cables the external transmitter! For Signal DIN design, input terminals A1, A2, B1, are galvanic-connected with terminals of the aerial and the external transmitter! In case problems with operating range, connect Tx Ext external transmitter (fig.1.2 Programming input for single-channel receivers 1. Vladimír Militký, řízení sytému jakosti . 4. 3. Inverted control cannot used for Light (2, R), Rx1 LT, Time/Element (R), Tango (R), Rx1 Door and Pulse receivers.3, 16, 17, 20, 20. can be installed DIN rail switchboards. Reaction receiver outputs transmitter inputs is specified setting the MODE knob this mode (positions the left-hand side the knob) reaction of receiver outputs the transmitter input (de­ scribed the column above the LED) and the transmitter input (described the column above the LED).e. L (long) information the input state change will be transmitted the moment the change and then two times with delay min. The input will open the blind, the input will close the blind. A A+1 the transmitter input will close the channel one receivers, the input will open the channel the other receiver. information transmitted only upon pressing of the button connected the input (after voltage has been supplied the input). A the transmitter channel will open the channel the receiver, the input will open the channel. voltage the transmitter input (closed contact) = closed relay the receiver output; OFF function = inverted control, i.3, ČSN 55024:99 +A1:02+A2:03+Z1:08, ČSN 61000-3-3:97+Z1:02+A2:06+Z2:07 elektrická bezpečnost: ČSN 669-2-1 ed. Select the function for the receiver according the operating manual the appropriate receiver. Use the INIT button the transmitter transmit the initialization code (fig. STATE TRANSMITTER Information input states are transmitted every in­ put change the output relays the receiver copy the transmitter inputs. Ten možné ovládat pouze v režimu vysílače stavu kontaktů poloze nebo / When receiver with rolling code used. For most applications, these knobs will remain default setting (DELAY NR.1. 4. Use the INIT button the transmitter transmit the initialization code (fig. In the state transmitter mode (positions the right hand side the knob), use the MODE knob set the number transmission recurrence and control two independent receivers, the case may be.4, 10, 12, 13, 13.r. Use the INIT button the transmitter transmit the initialization code (fig. Central function Rotating knobs are used for setting the transmitter. S (short) information the input state change will be transmitted the moment the change and then two times with delay s