Návody k různým produktům Enika Nová Paka ...
Poznámky redaktora
• eans the receiver button "CHANNEL", se
lect the channel (channels) fro whose you need
to delete the tra itte push the but
ton "CHANNEL"= selection the channel; long
push the tton "CHANNEL"= confirm ation
• ithin 30, push the button tto the
tra itte you need delete ice.2
A tran itters
Push the receiver button "PROG" ore than 10
s. will itched
o fte othe push the button "CHANNEL"
N there tro uble ith range, con nect an
e xte ive GP+ tra ittin g
a ria 433 (LED "EXT. The fun ction de
term the com bination the three upper
LEDs! (See the rin the receiver). 2,5 2
1 přijím ač/receiver vlečných
m ulů/tow odules
Doba sepnutí CH1 CH2 funkci roleta-ROLL/ min
Time switching for „BLIND“ function 3:
Zařízenílze provceovatna základě VO-R/10/08. 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24
Toto prohlášení vydáno výhradní odpovědnost výrobce.2
CSN 55014-1
ČSN 61000-3-2: 01
ČSN 61000-3-3: 97
ČSN 669-2-1:01 ed.
• orrect record confirm LEDs "REC"and "
Hi CODE"flashing.) includ in
the supply). fte the LED "NO CODE" sta rts flashing. possible
to use STO button!
W hen the RS232 com unication ex-ternal
re ceiver used ssa ensure
the separation betw een the pow c
tors and the conductors RS232, aerial and
extern receiver!
The com pany Enika spol.cz/enicom data
(codes and functions) istra tio the PC.
IN IDLE STATE. 109 in): push
the receiver button "PROG" once.
• Push the selected tra itte tton ice (long
509 NOVÁ PAKA, Nádražní 609
IČO: 15055761
tímto prohlašuje, výrobek
typové označení: DIN, DIN/232,
Rx DIN, DIN/232,
přijímač dálkového ovládáni
druh výrobku:
pásmo přeladitelnosti: 433,05 434,79 MHz
citlivost: 100 dBm
-je shodě základními požadavky 426/2000 Sb. The diode "REC"
gets lit. platném zněni
- odpovídá základním požadavkům dalším ustanovením evropské
direktivy 1999/5/ES (R&TTE) (Směrnice radiových zařízeních a
telekomunikačních koncových zařízeních vzájemném uznávání
jejich shody)
- splňuje požadavky těchto norem předpisů:
rádiové parametry:
elektrická bezpečnost:
CSN 300220-3:2000
ČSN 60669-2-1:01 ed. r.
Na zařízení není dovoleno provádět dodatečné technické úpravy. num ber codes:
Připojovací svorky/Terminal block:
M axim ální počet odulů řad ě/M ax. 6,5 m
- °C
max. 5,5 W
230 V/50 Hz
433,92 MHz
min. Using clock, easuring tim s
By pushing the button "CHANNEL", select the
channels and push the button
"CHANNEL" selection the channel; long
push the tton "CHANNEL"= confirm ation
Push the receiver button "PROG" once upper
LEDs get lit.
CAU TIO The connection (disconnection)
betw een the receiver and the appliance may be
pe rform qualified person.
O tran itter deleted out individual
• push the tton "PROG" the receiver once
(fo tim This indicated the LED i
CODE" and LEDs all channels (CH1 CH8) lit.
It forbiden any technical modifications the device.
• The diodes "REC"and CODE"flashing mean
con firm atio the tra itte has been de
leted (the others stay the ory).2005-24 aza podm ínekv něm uvedených.
FUNCTION LIN applicable only r
channels and tim e
O ne-button ode fte push the tra it
te tton, the reaction the blind connected
to the receiver follow Open, stop, close,
stop. Vladimír ilit
• means the receiver tton "CHANNEL", se
lect the channel (channels) you need itch on
A push the tton "CHANNEL"= selec
tion the channel; long push the button
"CHANNEL"= confirm ation
Push the receiver button "PROG"; the relay the
selected channel itches on. push the
b tton "CHANNEL"= selection the channel; a
long push the button "CHANNEL"= confirm ation
Push the receiver tton "PROG" once upper
LEDs get lit.)
Tw o-button ode (the upper tton the
tra itte lte tive opens and stops the
blind, hile the ttom tton the tra itte r
alte tive closes and stops the blind)
Push the receiver tton "PROG" once the diode
"REC" gets lit.06. No
to odules:
Rx8 DIN, Rx8 DIN 232
1přepínací kontakt/switch over contact
7spínacích kontaktů/make contacts
8 A
max. r.1:
A1 A7
(^ "TIM fte push the
tra itte the receiver relay itches on, r
the pre-set tim approx.obr.
S ervice ode you control the outputs
w ith tra itte This operation may only
p rform person tra ined the receiver
connections. počet kódů/Max. This indicated the diodes
"REC"and "Hi) CODE"flashing.
• Push the selected button tto the tra s
m itte ice (long push)./BAT. 109 in)..
N the Rx8 /232, you use the
se ria data tra sfe RS232 use the
p ENICOM .2005 ing..
• Push the tton utto the tra itte r
you need delete ice.
O tran itter deleted out all channels
• push the tton "PROG" the receiver once
(fo tim This indicated the LED U
CODE" and LEDs all channels (CH1 CH8) lit.enika.o. push the
b tton "CHANNEL"= selection the channel; a
long push the button "CHANNEL"= confirm ation
Push the ceiver tton "PROG" once upper
LEDs get lit.
• The diodes "REC"and CODE"flashing mean
con firm atio the tra itte has been de
leted (the others stay the ory).
• orrect record confirm LEDs
"OUTPUT"and "REC"flashing.
• eans the receiver button "CHANNEL",
select the channel (channels).
• orrect record confirm LEDs "REC"and "
H CODE"flashing.o. spínaný výkon power:
Ztrátový výkon/Power dissipation:
Napájení/Power supply:
Provozní itočet/Frequency:
Izolační vzdálenost mezi skupinami svorek/
Insulating distance ong groups term inals
A1-6 B1-7, A1-6 C1-7, B1-7 C1-7:
Provozní teplota/O perating temperature:
• repeated push the tton "PROG",
select the fun ction determ ined the com
bination the three upper LEDs! (See the print
on the receiver).
• repeated push the tton "PROG",
select the fun ction TIMER.
(lllrlC C
Li shod ě
ENIKA spol. The tra itte code is
deleted fro all channels tim e.
O utputs itched only.
V Nové Pace dne 24.
• Finish the tim easurem ent push the
receiver tton "PROG".
• repeated push the tton "PROG",
select the fun ction BLIND. declares the
Rx /232 com pliance ith the
basic quire and vant provisions
o the irective 1999/5/ES.
Technická data/Technical data:
Počet kanálů/N ber channels:
Max. The fun ction de
term the com bination the three upper
LEDs! (See the rin the receiver).
• Push the selected tton utton the tra s
m itte ice (long push)..
• eans the receiver button "CHANNEL",
select the channel (channels)