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Návody k různým produktům Enika Nová Paka ...

Vydal: ENIKA spol. s r.o. Autor: Enika

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/ indicate unlimited search, one short blink indicates time-limited search, short blinking indi­ cates searching disabled.2013 ing. Alternating flashing LED REC and CODE error message (for example, the code being programmed has already been programmed the receiver memory, or, in case deletion, the code being deleted not present in the memory). 190 PRAHA Pod Harfou 933/86 IČO: 28218167 tímto prohlašuje, výrobek typové označení: (3299-23338) specifikace: — druh výrobku: dvoukanálový přijímač frekvence: 868,3 MHz citlivost: -110 dBm - shodě základními požadavky 426/2000 Sb. - Press the appropriate button(s) the transmitter twice. REMOTE MANAGEMENT For devices the POSEIDON® series, manual program­ ming transmitter codes, functions and parameters can be substituted remote management using the SW POSEIDON®Assistant tool and the USB transmit­ ter. Note: If code programmed move another state per­ formed within seconds when programming erasing the device, the receiver automatically returns the operating mode. - connect the aerial using 50-Q coaxial cable.CZ o. platném znění - odpovídá základním požadavkům dalším ustanovením evropské di­ rektivy 1999/5/ES (R&TTE) (Směrnice radiových zařízeních teleko­ munikačních koncových zařízeních vzájemném uznávání jejich shody) - splňuje požadavky těchto norem předpisů: rádiové parametry: ČSN ETSI 300220-1 V2. hereby declares that this complies with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC./1, group scenes will indicated flashing LED B. - registration the program correct, both LED • REC CODE will flash simultaneously.TIMER OFF - Press (long press >0,5 the PROG button the re­ ceiver once and then press (brief press) twice (or long press once and brief press three times) program the channel (2) will indicated flashing LED REC, LED CH1 (CH2) and illuminated LED CODE and ERR.5. The scene number will be indicated combi­ nation LED ffif CODE, CODE a ERR. - Press the appropriate button the transmitter twice. Note: When resetting defaults, all programmed codes will de­ leted from the receiver memory well!!! Visit www.1:04 VO -R/10/09. Technická data Technical data N Počet kanálů / Num ber channels: 2 Napájení Pow supply: 230 ±10 Hz Výstupní napětí / O utput voltage: 230 V Maxim ální spínaný výkon* 2300 (klasické žárov- Output power*: ky, síťové halogeny / classic lights, halogen lamps) 1750 halogeny s transform átorem elek­ tronické předřadníky / 12 halogen lamps with transform er, balasts) 500 64mF (zářivky / fluorescent lamps) relé relay IP podle according to ČSN 60529 Spínací prvek / Switching element: Stupeň krytí Protection: Provozní teplota / Operating tem perature: Hm otnost eight: Rozm ěry Dimensions: Připojovací svorky / Connecting term inals: Provozní itočet Frequency: Dosah Range: Počet kódů Num ber codes: Počet kódů paměti / Codes memory: * Celkový spínaný proud pro oba kanály nesm přesáhout 16 Total switching current both channels ust not exceed A! Na zařízení není dovoleno provádět dodatečné technické úpravy! forbiden any technical odifikations on the device! Přijím nelze použít jako bezpečnostní stop tlačítko! / It possible use this receiver safety stop button! Zařízení lze provozovat základě aktuálního /10/. C) How delete one transm itter programmed ith functions ON/OFF, ON, OFF, PUSH, SCENE, TIMER and TIMER/OFF - Press (brief press) the PROG button the receiver nine (ten, eleven) times delete the transmitter from both channels (channel will indicated il­ luminated LED CODE and illuminated LED CH1 CH2 (CH1, CH2). - Disable (enable) search mode. 120 g 162 mm max. - Press (brief press) the PROG button repeatedly se­ lect the required scene. V Nové Pace dne 28. Connect the center wire the cable the terminal instead of the wire aerial and connect shielding the —terminal. Vladimír Militký, řízeni sytému jakosti ./ 0.2012-11 elektrická bezpečnost: ČSN 669-2-1 ed. - Press and hold the button the receiver while the re­ ceiver connected the supply voltage until LED REC, CODE, CODE ERR./ Similarly, use this procedure to return time-limited search; the only difference indica­ tion only one short blink.1:2006 EN 301 489-1 V1. - registration the program correct, both LED • REC CODE will flash simultaneously. 10 s). Note: not place the aerial close metal parts.r.enika. RESET DEFAULTS If you need cancel all function and parameter settings, you can return the manufacturer's default settings. SCENE SC The transmitter must programmed for one 16 scenes (SC and B8): - Press (long press >0,5 the PROG button the re­ ceiver once and then press (brief press) the button four (five, six) times program the channel (2) will be indicated flashing LED REC, LED CHI and CH2 (CH1, CH2) and illuminated LED CODE and NO CODE.CZ s.1. - deletion the program correct, both LED REC a CODE will flash simultaneously. - Setting devices with the RETR function for a single transmitter. It will indicated flashing LED CODE. You can use remote management even set other functions and parameters that cannot accessed oth­ erwise: - Disable (enable) manual programming and deletion of transmitters. - deletion the program correct, both LED REC a CODE will flash simultaneously./ light (approx.2:03 Toto prohlášení vydáno výhradní odpovědnost výrobce.o.02.cz) podm ínek něm uvedených. It will indicated flashing LED REC. - Deletion all transmitters will indicated simulta­ neously flashing LED REC and QDCODE followed by flashing LED CODE. - Lock selected transmitters against deletion from the re­ ceiver memory.1. CONNECTING THE EXTERNAL AERIAL If you face problems with range the distance between the transmitter and receiver great, external aerial must used.3:05 ČSN 669-1 ed. s), release the but­ ton and press briefly again. E) How delete all transm itters - Press (long press >10 the button the transmitter.cz/poseidon for details. 2,5 mm2 868,3 MHz 150 volném prosto­ ru open space 224 max. ena­ ble time-unlimited search (can misused gain unau­ thorized access remote management!), before you connect the receiver the supply voltage, press and hold the PROG button until the receiver indicates the change by three simultaneous flashes LED REC, CODE, NO CODE and ERR. 32 C€ Prohlášení shodě Výrobce: ENIKA. (viz .1:2006 EMC: ČSN ETSI 300220-2 V2. - Resetting the manugacturer's defaults will indi­ cated simultaneously flashing LED REC and M CODE followed continuous illumination LED NO CODE. Recommeded types aerials: INT1-3299-01008, P8 INT2-3299-01018, EXT1-3299-01058. By default, the receiver set the so-called state of time-limited search. Three short blinks LED REC, CODE, NO CODE ERR. RETR - Press (long press >0,5 the PROG button the re­ ceiver once and then press (brief press) seven times.ctu. ENIKA. - While the LEDs are lit (approx. This means that when receiver is being connected using remote management for the first time, possible connect only within the first five minutes from connecting the supply voltage. - Press the appropriate button the transmitter twice. D) How delete one transm itter programmed ith the RETR function - Press (long press >0,5 the PROG button the re­ ceiver once and then press (brief press) eight times. - Press the appropriate button the transmitter twice. - Press (long press) the PROG button once again se­ lect scene accord- ing the table. - Time relay closing will set similarly program­ ming the TIMER function. The current setting the search mode can ascer­ tained while connecting the receiver the supply volt­ age