EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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99 40 . Theodore also played major role bringing Edison radio set the market (see for more Building and Theodore Edison). Gitz was employed the starting battery project from 1924 to 1928. devised universal reproducer that could play all types disc records the market. 99 Historian’s Note 152; Roderic Peters interview the Columbia University’s Oral History Research Office, nd, pp.) See Summary Sources, this report, for more the Oral History Project.98 98 Historian’s Note 89. occupied experimental rooms the front Building as well desk the library, and did important experiments electrical recording. 22-24.Joseph Gitz. was used for continuous plating experiments. (Hereafter cited interviewee, date, Oral History Project, and page number. Theodore was the youngest son Edison and Mina. Theodore Edison. He worked small room the east the entrance the building. After graduating from MIT with degree engineering, came work the laboratory 1923. did tests storage battery cells and kept records, and carried out chemical analysis materials used cells and resistance tests between contact plates and cell poles