EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Experiments the composition the wax cylinder for the Edison phonograph began soon the West Orange laboratory opened and continued into the twentieth century. The storage battery and disc record projects dominated work Building before World War However, the coming war 1914.101 41 .C. The twentieth century started with two ongoing experimental projects the laboratory books: the development waxes for phonograph records, and the investigation substances that emitted X-rays. Lee. was able sell the surplus chemicals profit. They tried cadmium, magnesium, and nickel lighter and more efficient alternatives for the lead of the storage battery. Building was therefore devoted finding substitutes these strategic materials, and Edison and his experimenters did well that Thomas Edison Inc.100 100 Louis Republican, July 1899. The insulation project was part Edison’s electrical research and was transferred from his temporary laboratory Harrison West Orange soon the new laboratory opened. This laboratory often gave work college students during their summer vacations.Building 2 The work this laboratory the 1880s was centered two projects: insulation for electric wires and the cylinder record for phonographs.brought great challenge to Edison’s chemical laboratory because the blockade Germany cut off supplies of chemicals required the production batteries and records. Edison was looking for alternative and directed years of experiments several teams working this building. 101 University Illinois TAE, February 12, 1920, Biographical Collections. This brought several young chemistry majors West Orange, among them Asian worker named G. The storage battery experimental program was primarily chemical investigation find the combination chemicals required in a battery not employing the lead acid technology that other companies used to dominate the market. Edison claimed have two German chemists working the latter project 1899. It encompassed the mixing, heating, and electrical testing numerous combinations of chemicals. Many new workers joined Building during Period experimenters the storage battery campaign