EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Routine production engineering gradually replaced the great experimental campaigns that characterized the laboratory the nineteenth century. the other hand the daily work some experimenters, such George Werner and Walter Dinwiddie, shows that little had changed the Edison laboratory from the 1880s. The increasing load administering Edison’s large business organization led to the construction administration building, next the east end the laboratory Lakeside Avenue, and reorganization the business organization. Increasing numbers professional engineers and administrators were added to the payroll.. Yet new direction labor policy had begun the turn the century when employees with specific skills and formal education were sought instead the 89 William Meadowcroft A. Although the great fire that ravaged the West Orange complex December 1914 was watershed the history Edison’s business affairs, did not touch the laboratory nor did alter process change which had started with the creation the Engineering Department around 1911. Thomas Edison, Inc. was formed 1911 the first step bringing all of Edison’s various businesses under one corporate head.P. Fleming, July 24, 1916, Letter Book 113, 302 (LB113302).."69 The laboratory that once had world wide reputation for developing completely new technology now acquired the patents and skills others. The successful move into mass production phonographs, cylinders, and storage batteries led the construction several new factory buildings West Orange.M. Jonas Aylsworth and Daniel Higham, for example, worked independent inventors under contract to Edison for much this period. This period marks one the peaks experimental activity Edison’s laboratory. 32 . This company was responsible for running the factories built around the laboratory and for administering experimental work. What Edison had once called "the best lab ever" was now settling down the mundane task supporting the Edison product line. These men played the roles of both engineers and experimenters, applying themselves the job hand and moving from basic research production engineering with ease. This evolution function brought change the make the laboratory staff. Period III: 1915-1931. Edison’s secretary William Meadowcroft reported 1916 that the laboratory’s work was directed toward support the Edison product line and "there comparatively little mere research work done here.. They still worked small teams and were expected adaptable, shifting and out of each project needed.occupied and more were being created new buildings, such Building 24