EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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67 1910, there were over 100 workers the laboratory and August 1912 just over 200, including experimenters, 90 machinists, and draftsmen. failed commercial product and proved how dangerous new technologies can be. Unfortunately the public preferred internal combustion engines and the high price and initial poor reliability his battery deterred general use automobiles. . In addition the key phonograph and storage battery projects, there were two other important products developed the West Orange laboratory during this period. was an enthusiastic supporter the automobile and hoped that his battery might power an electric automobile.machine industry whole, and the introduction this process was influence the international development recorded sound technology. After his painstaking efforts find the right chemical combination alkaline storage battery, Edison struggled find market for that was large enough to support his plans for large scale manufacture West Orange. During this period great efforts were made produce and market large battery intended for submarines. The motion picture had become highly profitable business for the Edison enterprise 1900. The storage battery, however, was successfully used in delivery trucks, railroad car lighting, mining locomotives, and emergency lighting systems, and was successful product line for Thomas Edison, Inc. Edison looked forward developing dramatic new motion picture products the twentieth century, including his long standing commitment bring synchronized sound moving pictures. These experimental projects brought about period ofintense activity the West Orange laboratory. 1899, there were 111 names the laboratory payroll and this probably represented the maximum number employees the laboratory during the nineteenth century. Edison also hoped that submarines would use his battery power their electric motors. and its successors for several decades.68 Every experimental room the site was se Much experimental work the storage battery was performed the Glen Ridge and Silver Lake factories, few miles from West Orange. 31 87 Employee Records, Laboratory Payroll Tíme Sheets, Cabinet 50783, Drawer 3 M Employee Records Edison Laboratory Time Sheets, Box 83. The West Orange laboratory was not only the location some experimental work to develop and perfect the alkaline storage battery,66 but also the place where elaborate marketing schemes, such the electric automobile rallies, were devised. The X-ray machine was being perfected West Orange the century began