29 Framed
prints have hung the railings, alcove dividers, and columns since the library
was first occupied.28 Four these plain columns extend from the comers the first floor
through the first balcony, and columns front the divider between the
southeast office and alcove extend only the overhang the first balcony. The north wall houses fireplace, flanked windows rising the
second tier.
28 Taftto Batchelor, nd. Some time between October
1903 and 1911, additional plain columns were added the ground floor and first
An iron railing around the two galleries was originally planned, but the
suggestion the architect the railing material was changed wood. Fairchild and Co., 1887 (in 1887, WOL-General, D-87-55). The
cases the ground floor are open, but several the cases the upper two tiers
have pane glass doors and were used for exhibiting Edison products mineral
The library was not complete November 1887 when Edison moved his operation
to West Orange. Four fluted columns
capped brown stone were originally installed, flanking alcoves and and
rising through both balconies the library ceiling.
Located the west end Building the library’s arched windows open on
Lakeside Avenue, Main Street, and the laboratory courtyard. Although the ceiling was place, the fireplace was not yet
begun, the stairs were not installed, railings were not place, and the second
floor the library itself was not installed. McClure, editor, Edison and His Inventions, (Chicago: Rhodes and McClure Publishing Co.
31 P., 1894;
first published 1889), 24. Edison, December 1887 (in 1887, WOL-General D’87-55); and
Voucher 81, 1888. large, two-
storied room with balconies forming two open tiers above the first floor. Alcoves
filled with bookcases line three the four walls the main floor and first tier
balcony, and surround the entire balcony the second and highest tier.27
27 J.all finished elaborately" Edison entertained visitors, held meetings and gave
28 See figure without columns and figure with columns.
30 Charles Batchelor diary, catalog 1337, November 10, 1887.31 Edison
.B.30 The bookcases lining the first floor
alcoves and the first and second level balconies were being constructed late as
December 1887 and finishing touches were added the next month., TA.
The library panelled grain-painted varnished yellow pine throughout;
painted iron columns stand front the alcove dividers