EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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with iron legs and Demorest galvanized iron back(s).... The glass may have been frosted shade may have been hung the inside the door (figure 15). 35 Floor plan, November 1916, Edison NHS. Because the entrance was the first landing the stairs and the room was at the first floor level, least one step led down into the lavatory. Figure 76, photograph taken Edison Day, October 21, 1915, shows that that date the southeast corner had not yet been enclosed form separate office. These offices were probably added sometime between October 1915 and November 1916.. T." The lavatory consisted two rooms, the outer room containing the marble sink described above, and the inner room planned house two water closets and porcelain urinal.36 During the more than years Edison worked the library, modifications the first and second balconies were rare. marbleized wash bowl with.. 34 Plumbing specifications drawn Henry Hudson Holly’s office, June 1887 (in 1887, WOL- General, D-87-55).A. 33 See figure and figure the 1916 floor plan.33 The lavatory the library located under the stairway the first balcony; its original entrance was from the stairway’s first landing.32 32 Voucher 657,1887; Edison was still being hounded for payment for the mantel much later, Potsdam Red Sandstone Co.34 Sometime before 1916 the lavatory was remodeled change the location the entrance. The original door appears have been used the new door frame.. The configuration the lavatory room itself was not changed, although only one the two planned water closets was installed." In contrast, the remaining sinks the building were "galvanized iron.was billed for the library mantel and arch stone December 31, 1887, which indicates that work the fireplace was underway that time. Early the twentieth century, two the alcoves the first floor were modified by the addition two offices, one the northwest comer, the other filling the southeast comer the room. Edison, March and March 20, 1888 (in 1888, WOL-General, D-88-55). Floor plans drawn November 1916 show that both offices were place that time. The original doorway was replaced with pine paneling similar that throughout the rest the library, and entrance way was cut through the alcove closest the steps.with ogee moulded edges. Plumbing specifications drawn for Building show that this lavatory, the "Office Toilet room," was considerably more elaborate than those other parts of the building.white Italian Marble counter sunk slab.. Edison’s lavatory sported "14 in... The door was panelled in wood the bottom half and topped with six glass panes. exception the projection booth installed 19