EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
no. DESK, tall, linoleum top (section 45) Figures 101 and 105. Moved to storage second floor machine shop after 1939. STOOL, wood, adjustable (at tall desk above; section 45) Original stool (E-1961) broken and thrown out ca. Use E-1751 (original). Shop foreman’s desk. 295 . ACCESSORIES for radial drill press above: Vise Drill Press Countershaft (section 48) Use E-1768-1 and E-1768-2 until radial drill (EDIS 212/E-1768) removed. RACK, four shelves, each with four dividers, forming 20 bins, 52" long 19" deep x 36" high (south wall; section 45) Installed present location after windows were replaced in 1915. Sold by Newark S. Retrieve from second floor. Reproduce. Removed between 1920 and 1939. "Men who worked Giant Rolls for the Cement Plant at Stewartsville, NJ", key to individuals folder E313, copy neg. PAPERS (in desk E-1757 above; section 45) E-card note: "Papers, blue prints, plans removed from desk, E-1757 and placed E- 160-20. Not listed 1913 inventory.” Use copies E-1978. Clothes CABINET (southwest comer, next door; section 45) Figure 103. Replaced small radial drill (EDIS 212). 1-15. Use E-1757 (original). Leave radial drill place for time being. Acquire. Use EDIS collection. Aurora drill presses are fairly common machines. 6048 and B. stamped "143 EPW" [Edison Phonograph Works?] Leave EDIS 212/E-1768 in place until 26" Aurora can be acquired.H. RADIAL DRILL PRESS (section 48) Moved this location between 1920 and 1939.DRILL PRESS, 26" swing, single spindle, back geared, power feed; Aurora Tool Works, Aurora, (section 45) Figures 102 and 105; 1920 Appraisal no. Probably installed between October 1913 and April 1914. Leave E-1763 place. PHOTOGRAPH, shows machine shop crew, pre-1915 (attached cabinet E-1751 above; section 45) Figure 103.1940. Machinery Co