EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
screws and bolts); E-1959 (slotted surface plate) and E-1980 (rough surface plate); E-1984 (assorted tool posts); E-1985 (assorted wrenches); E-1857 (Prentiss 51-91 bench vise) 296 . (sections 48, 44) Angle Plate (section 49) Surface Plate, slotted Surface Plate, rough (section 51) Tool Posts, assorted Wrenches, assorted (sections 51, 44) Angle Plate, with "V" Angle Plate Angle Plate Angle Plate (section 52) Bench Vise, Prentiss 51-91 (section 54) It impossible tell whether any these fixtures post-date 1914, but they are all appropriate working machine shop the period. Any that have not been collected and moved should be left place.MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS and FIXTURES, inventoried in 1939: Angle Plate Files, assorted sizes, miscellaneous cuts Screws and Bolts, misc. Use E-1973, E-1974, E-1976, and E-1993 through E-1995 (six angle plates); E-1986 (assorted files); E-1989 (misc