EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Use EDIS 210/E-1767 (original).1940. Steel stools, scattered throughout the shop, post­ date 1914 and are not appropriate. 1-07; figures 101 and 105. Clean remove abrasive dust and rancid lard oil. Universal Cylindrical GRINDER, 12" swing, 40” between centers, cylindrical (lathe type) surface grinder, belt driven throughout, includes coolant tank, pump, and piping; Landis Tool Co. Double-Spindle DRILL PRESS, 14" swing, 30" 12" guttered table, vertical spindle, slide heads, lever feed, floor mounted on pedestal; Charles Allen Co. Installed between 1906 and 1914. Use EDIS 367/E-1785 (original). 294 . 125; 1920 Appraisal no.CHANGE GEARS, assorted extras (on bench EDIS 386; section 54) Moved basement, section 97-100-103, ca., Waynesboro, (section 45) 1913 Inventory no. Moved section between 1920 and 1939. COUNTERSHAFT, for Allen double-spindle drill press above (section 45) Use E-1785-1 (original). Return E-1970 (original). Originally stood section 45, next cylindrical grinder. Figure 104 shows swivel-top stool by the drill press. Use E-1957, E-1958, E-1917, E-1918, E-1936, EDIS 26432/ E-1943 and EDIS collection. EXTENSION LADDER (section 48) Figure 105. Use E-1962 (original)., Barre, (section 45) 1920 Appraisal no. Figures 106, 107, and 109 show at least three the north side of the shop. Replace belts needed. Do NOT operate. ACCESSORIES for Landis universal grinder above: Countershaft Steadyrest adapted from Brown Sharpe no. STOOLS, wood, (at benches and scattered around shop) Figure 103 shows four wooden stools along the bench the south side the shop. 1-06; figures 100, 103, and 105. Return 1914 location. 1 Four-jaw Universal Chuck, (section 45) Use E-1767-1 through E- 1767-4 (originals)