EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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TOOL CHESTS (on bench EDIS 386) Eight machinists tool chests are visible figures 103 and 105. On shelf under bench EDIS 386: Face Plates, 2 Machine Tool Parts, extras Lathe Rests, extras, 4 various sizes Lathe Carrier Plates, 9 various sizes Chucks, extras and misfits Chuck Back Plates 6, extras and misfits Flanged Vise, in. See Appendix F for guidelines. Use EDIS 386/E-1770 (original). These chests and their contents belonged to individual machinists and traveled with them. Acquire suitable replacements. Installed 1887. Use E-1864 through E-1868 (originals). FITTINGS bench EDIS 386: Surface Plate Bench Vise, Parker 239 Surface Plate Bench Vise, Parker 239 Bench Vise, jaws Bench Vise, Parker 29K Bench Vise, Athol 730 Surface Plate Surface Plate Surface Plate Surface Plate with cover Surface Plate Surface Plate Bench Vise, Parker 48 Surface Plate Bench Vise, Parker 23 Figure 103. 293 . Use E-1892 (original). Return E-1966 through E-1969, and E-1971 and E-1972 shelf under bench. jaws, one jaw missing E-cards note that these were removed from the bench and placed the basement, section 97-100-103, after 1940. Use E-1870 through EDIS 54366/E-1872 (originals).BENCH, 75’ long, with 22 drawers, eight vises, supported cast iron legs (south wall; sections 48, 51, 54) Figures and 103. Use E-1848 through E-1854 (originals)