EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
, Philadelphia, (section 49) 1913 Inventory no. Retrieve EDIS 722/E-1799 from second floor. 1-19; figures 99, 100, and 102. Return EDIS 365/E-1925 to 1914 location. ACCESSORIES for Bement Miles planer above: Countershaft (section 49) Use E-1797, E-1798-1 (original accessories), and E-1798-2 (original countershaft).5"; one bench measuring 15" 30" 11" (under workbench above) Use E-1916 (original bench); E-1919 (original stool); E-1920 (original wood bench). TABLE, wood with steel top (E-1926) measuring x 1. PLANER, metal, 42" 42" x 12’ with 32" wide table, one head cross slide, one side head; Bement Miles Co. RACK, holds gears for Bement Miles planer above (on post; section 52) Use E-1954 (original). Purchased February 1888, $2000.50, voucher 232. BENCH, steel top over wood, one drawer; (next radial drill press; section 48) Figure 102. 283 .5" thick; and cover (section 50) Figures 104 and 108. Use EDIS 219/E-1798 (original). SURFACE PLATE, (on workbench EDIS-387; section 50) Moved Building and built into wood lathe., Philadelphia, (section 49) 1913 Inventory no. E-5088 by Joe Ziemba, March 20,1946. 114; 1920 Appraisal no. Moved second floor, section 62, after 1939.STEP STOOL, wood, and BENCHES, wood one bench measuring 20" 54" 13. 1-18; figures 99, 100, and 102.00, voucher 233. Locate E-1901 (original), or use substitute. Use EDIS 218/E-1800 (original). Universal RADIAL DRILL PRESS, model 1558; 6" swing, 27" 26" 37-1/2" table; by Bement Miles Co. 136; 1920 Appraisal no. 131; 1920 Appraisal no. Purchased March 31, 1887, $2802. VISE and ACCESSORIES for Bement Niles radial drill press above (section 49) Use E-1800-1, E-1800-2, and E-1800-3 (originals). Power HACKSAW, 4" capacity, 12" blade; by Millers Falls/Star, Millers Falls, (between planer and radial drill; section 49) 1913 Inventory no. Located east end central aisle, 1914. 1-18A; figure lOo. Use E-1951 (original)