6 ft.
FITTINGS bench above:
Bench Vise, jaws
Surface Plates, (section 53)
Use E-1896 (original bench
vise); use E-1906, E-1907,
and E-1908 (original surface
plates). in.]
Precision BENCH LATHE, 8"
swing, 40" bed; Rivett
Lathe Mfg. 1-41. E-card
notes that the Hendey was
moved Silver Lake after
DRILL PRESS, 14" swing,
single spindle, round base,
13” 10" table; by
Sigomey/Pratt Whitney,
Hartford, CT; (north wall;
section 50)
1913 Inventory no.
Retrieve EDIS 735/E-1820
from second floor and install
in 1914 location.
Use EDIS 650/E-1817
(original)., Boston, MA;
(on bench along north wall,
section 50)
1913 Inventory no.
Installed 1887.
Moved from section 52
between 1920 and 1939 to
make way for time clock.
precision bench lathe above:
Change Gears Countershaft
Collet Set (section 53)
Use E-1817-1, E-1817-2,
E-1817-3, and E-1817-4
Use EDIS 387/E-1834
(original). 1-39;
figure 109.
Last Patent: 1895. Leave space vacant
until suitable replacement is
[Could replaced in. Co.3 [E-1809].,
Lowell, (section 50)
1913 Inventory no. bed; Flather Co. Walcott Wood
engine lathe, EDIS 229/E-
1784.ACCESSORIES for Aurora
drill press above:
Garvin model 14" drill
press vise with jaws,
Countershaft (section 47)
Use E-1830-1 (original vise);
use E-1830-2 (original
Acquire. Replaced 18"
Hendey no. 112;
1920 Appraisal no.
Moved second floor, section
68, December 1948.
Removed between 1920 and
1939. 41;
1920 Appraisal no.
ENGINE LATHE, 15" swing,
6 ft. 39;
1920 Appraisal no.
WORKBENCH, 38’ long
(along north wall; sections
Figures 99, 106, and 107. 3;
figure 107.
Replace belts needed