EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Moved from section section 53 after 1920. 43; 1920 Appraisal no. ACCESSORIES for Niles planer above: Angle Plate Countershaft Vise Planer (section 52) Use E-1792, E-1793-1, E- 1793-2, and EDIS 364/E-1795 (originals). SHAPER, 16" stroke; by Gould Eberhardt, Newark, NJ (section 53) 1913 Inventory no. Removed between 1920 and 1939. 1-31; figure 109. ARBOR PRESS, Greenerd no. Last Patent: 1907. 1-11. 3, cast iron stand made from old lathe legs (section 53) 1920 Appraisal no. Acquire use similar shaper from second floor (such as EDIS 252/E-966, installed after 1920). Figure 101 shows very similar cabinet next the elevator. Universal MILLING MACHINE, model 2A, 39” x 8" table; Brown Sharpe, Providence, (section 53) 1913 Inventory no. Last Patent: 1891. Installed between 1890 and 1906. (section 49) Located Building 28, in 1944. Use E-1810 (original), move to section 48. 133; 1920 Appraisal no. 137; 1920 Appraisal no. Use E-4700 substitute for cabinet shown figure 101. DRAWING CABINET, ten drawers, labelled "Plant Layout Prints", "Prints From Outside", etc. Use EDIS 231/E-1793 (original).PLANER, metal, 36” 36” x 8’, with 32" wide table; by Niles Tool Works, Hamilton, OH (section 49) 1913 Inventory no. 1-23; figures 100, 106, and 107. 1-30; figure 104. Replace belts needed. Contained Edicraft drawings. 284 . Use EDIS 235/E-1816 (original)