EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
62-68. This was similar the kind commercial structure which Edison had always worked, but had impressive two story arched windows one end which gave the air public academic building. One drawing represents his efforts to crowd all his experimental rooms-chemical laboratory, drafting room, test room, glass blower’s room, pump room, and jeweller’s room—into one long rectangular building (see figure 3b). Holly produced plan for three-story rectangular building 250 feet long and 50 feet wide. .grand arched entrance led into the laboratory and monumental tower disguised the smokestack. The satellite buildings were designated chemical/experimental, private/experimental, and furnace. 8 Notebook N-87-00-00.6 one the main building contained machine shop, engine and dynamo room, store and instrument room, and library. doodled pieces of paper and pages laboratory notebooks. Another shows machine shop, instrument room and library the main building, chemical room adjacent building, and experimental rooms in a third building.6 It must soon have been obvious that the 37,500 square feet floor space was not enough for the kind laboratory had mind. The laboratory that Thomas Edison built West Orange was statement about the new found prestige the inventor and the importance his work American life. All these drawings have been gathered together the 1887 West Orange laboratory folder in the Document File. With more space play with, Edison began to produce drawings which divided functions among the structures. 12 8 Document Files hereafter will cited DF. * Notebook N-85-10-01, pp. all these drawings estimates were made the amount of space required each function. During 1887, Edison began to think about the interior spaces his new laboratory. Subsequently more laboratory buildings were added the master plan, smaller than the main building and positioned perpendicular it.3.4 Here was building intended glorify the process invention and give the laboratory the dignity public building