EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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January 1887, he acquired large parcel land Orange just down the road from his house in Llewellyn Park. His associate, Charles Batchelor, was told this scheme while the laboratory was being built.3 Edison’s own sketches the proposed laboratory, executed some time 1886, show imposing structure in the beaux arts style that was fashionable for government buildings that time (figure 2).. May 1887, he retained the services Henry Hudson Holly, the prestigious residential architect who designed Glenmont, design the laboratory. Edison’s plans for his West Orange laboratory reveal that had more mind than utilitarian work place commercial buildings. wrote, "My ambition is build great industrial works the Orange Valley, starting small way and gradually working up. A 11 . When Edison died 1931, West Orange was major manufacturing center, industrial community full his factories. 3 Charles Batchelor diary, catalog 1337, May 1887. The place chosen for this complex was the Orange valley New Jersey where the newly married Edison had purchased house 1886. Glenmont was fine Victorian residence situated exclusive residential estate. The site was located rural landscape that was considered a resort area many inhabitants New York City and Newark.."1 1 Charles Batchelor diary, catalog 1336, Sept. With the profits his electric lighting system hand, Edison was now position embark upon even more ambitious venture-a research and development facility that would not only create new products but would also refine and perfect their production factories built next the laboratory. wrote his diary: ’’Edison’s idea now for the future get up processes for manufacture and start factories.HISTORICAL DATA OVERVIEW CONSTRUCTION AND HISTORICAL USE THE STRUCTURES In the early 1880s Thomas Edison began planning the construction laboratory that would the largest and best equipped industrial research facility the world. 1887, pp. Edison’s plan was turn this pastoral setting into dynamic industrial center, place crowded with factories and laboratories and thousands workers. 277-79. This three-story building was constructed around inner courtyard.Immediately the new laboratory is finished these will commenced earnest.’’2 The inventor was able turn this dream into a reality during his lifetime. 2 Thomas Edison (hereafter cited TAE), Hood Wright, November 1887, Notebook N-87-11-15. The success his Menlo Park laboratory had proved him that was possible regularize the process invention and produce stream commercial innovations