EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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, October 1890, continuation agreements made with the Edison Electric Light Co. Its concrete floor was inclined that liquids would run into two drains."7 7 “Specifications," 1887, WOL--General, D-87-55, pp. 8 Draft Agreement between TAE and Henry Villard, Miscellaneous Legal Series, 1887; Agreement made with Edison General Electric Co.8 The original drawings made architect Joseph Taft show storage space the front the building and line six pier tables which mount the galvanometers and other electrical measuring equipment. The building was divided into one large room filled with experimental tables and smaller room the north end. Building Building was known the galvanometer room galvanometer building."9 All pipes, fittings and steam apparatus were made of brass.d. His business plan for the West Orange laboratory hinged steady income from contract research from the electrical utility industry. The building was specially constructed out non-ferrous materials which would not interfere with the sensitive magnetic measuring devices installed the laboratory. 10 David Trumbull Marshall, Recollections ofEdison (Boston: Christopher, n. 9 "Specifications," 1887, WOL-General, D-87-55, 13. Within the larger room, further subdivision was created the construction interior brick room., March 1881, and November 25, 1887.) 67. his reminiscences Fessenden remembered the chemistry laboratory 13 .Experimental Buildings: Buildings and 4 Edison specified that four satellite buildings should erected right angles to the main building, Building They were constructed "best hard burnt New Jersey brick" and 100 feet long and feet wide. Vouchers for building materials suggest a possible construction date 1890 for this interior room, whose purpose is unknown. his instructions the architects, Edison specified "The Owner will furnish all copper nails. Electricity had been important and profitable field for Edison's experiments and his plans for the West Orange laboratory had always included an experimental area for electrical work.10 Building This building served chemical laboratory. The front wall the building that faced Main Street (Building was "Hackensack front brick. and 7