EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
Reproduce. See Historian’s Note 128. ELECTROPLATING BATHS, 2 hard rubber, connected source of electricity, anodes installed (near electric outlet wall or ceiling socket) Used electroplating. Can found vault 32.CHEMICALS used in Electroplating: Caustic Soda Distilled Water, glass container Alcohol Copper Plating Nickel Sulphate Silverplating Solution Acetic Acid Sulfuric Acid, two containers Copper Sulphate Sodium Sulphate Nickel Sulphate (all the above table, next to electroplating baths) 1914 inventory. Reproduce. Reproduce. 209 . To Demonstrate the Different Kinds Electroplating: COPPER ANODES (near baths) Used electroplating. Fine GOLD POWDER (near baths) Used electroplating. Use EDIS 24183 and EDIS collection reproduce. Reproduce. NICKEL SHOT (near baths) Used electroplating