EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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This was used the record press make duplicates. Al Wurth was the electroplating expert the laboratory and would have supervised this work. EDIS collection reproduce. The electroplating equipment shown this table represents the method Edison devised make numerous duplicates of master recordings. Use E-159-5. Use EDIS 2077. Use EDIS 14330 through 14335. ELECTROPLATING DEVICE (on table) Figure 29. KNIFE, sharp (on table) Used trim "flash," pieces of material protruding over the edges the mold. Both these methods gave the surface the disc electroconductive surface. Use EDIS 376. The master was first copper plated, and then nickel plated top this thin layer form a durable surface. Attach vacuum pump. Use EDIS 14425 through 14428. VACUUM PUMP (on table) Figure 29. The plating was done hard rubber baths with anodes inside them. 208 . The cylinder disc was placed inside vacuum and small particles gold "spluttered" while the disc cylinder revolved. GRAPHITE (in six glass jars) Used plating. Acquire. Use EDIS 23181 (copper plated mold) and EDIS 24845 (copper master mold). This equipment for disc records was successor the method of gold plating cylinder masters that had been successfully developed the laboratory from 1888-1903. BRUSHES, (on table) Used clean wax from copper surface. TOOTHBRUSHES, Used plating. Object and Location Evidence Recommendation Table 2 LAB TABLE (in place) Figure 29. The wax was removed and the surface cleaned. The result was a perfect negative impression the recording groove, called matrix. WAX MASTER (in electroplating device) Complements artifact.Table Electroplating Records. MOLDS, one copper-plated and one copper-master (next to wax master) Complements artifact. the production process thin layer graphite was brushed onto the wax master