EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Strana 226 z 336

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Poznámky redaktora
BUNSEN BURNER (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. EDIS collection reproduce. BEAKERS with lip, (on table) Used mix solutions. EDIS collection reproduce. EDIS collection reproduce. Measuring CYLINDERS, 2 (on table) Used test solutions. STAND (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. Use EDIS 21193 and EDIS 21194. EDIS collection reproduce.Make Solutions:620 HYDROMETER (on table) Used test solutions. 820 All these solutions are described Burt, "Chemical Technology the Edison Recording Industry," pp. 716-17. 210 . EDIS collection reproduce. ACID MEASURES, (on table) Ebner and Amende Chemical Supply Catalog, 1