EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Reproduce. EDIS collection. Object and Location Evidence Recommendation Table 9 LAB TABLE (in place) Figure 34. 195 .Table Motion Picture Film. Reproduce. According Laverty, looked at the properties viscose for use film stock this search. BEAKERS, small (on table) Needed conduct experiments. experimenter called Thomas Greenley worked project find non-flammable film. 818 Laverty correspondence Historian’s Note 90. CHEMICALS for making Viscose (on table): Cellulose Glacial Acetic Acid Caustic Soda Carbon Disulfide (all on table) See Historian’s Note 90. FILM STOCK (on table) See Historian’s Note 90. The nitrate film in use the time was volatile and easily combustible. BOWLER HAT, small (hung from nail closet) See figure for example of hat. Use EDIS 378.615 viscose Laverty probably meant different form cellulose, obtained treating with acetic rather than nitric acid and making less flammable. EVAPORATING DISHES (on counter wall) Reproduce. Reproduce