EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Use EDIS 54478 (test tube rack), EDIS 5408 (Bunsen burner), EDIS collection (stands and second Bunsen burner). Reproduce. Make tubes nickel flake and lithium crystals. 194 . LAB NOTEBOOK (on table) See Laboratory Notebook 10- 06-22. Reproduce all chemicals. Naphtha mixtures are used chiefly as solvents and diluents. DRYING TUBE (on table) Used for analysis cells. Reproduce various chemicals. Use EDIS 2867. EDIS collection. ORE TESTING: Test Tube Rack Bunsen Burners, Stands Used for testing storage battery project. Use EDIS 20387 (large measuring cylinder) and EDIS 20578 (medium measuring cylinder). See Laboratory Notebook 10- 06-22 for tubes nickel flake and lithium crystals. MEASURING CYLINDERS, 2, one large, one medium (on table) Used for analysis cells. LARGE BEAKERS (on table) Used for analysis cells. EDIS collection. HYDROMETER (on table) Used for analysis cells. CHEMICALS for Storage Battery Project: Ore Samples Nickel Flake Nickel Hydrate Copper Iron Mix Iron Oxide Potassium Chlorate Potassium Cyanide Tubes Nickel Flake Lithium Crystals (all located table) See 1914 inventory.CHEMICALS for Records (on table): Bees Wax Cresol Resin Ground Shellac Sticks White Ceresin Hexachlororathan Naphtha Solvent Tetrachlomapthalene Stearic Acid Camphor Zinc and Zinc Stearic Carnauba Wax Japan Wax Soluble Cotton See 1911 Document File for bees wax; 1914 inventory for bees wax, cresol resin, ground shellac, hexachlororathan; 1911 Document File, WOL, for sticks white ceresin; and Laboratory Notebook 10- 09-29 for remaining chemicals and cotton