EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
FUNNELS, ribbed (on table) Used mix solutions. RETORT, copper (on table) Used process chemicals. CRUSHER (on table) Used process chemicals. Use EDIS 2500 and EDIS collection acquire. Reproduce. Reproduce.Copper RETORT (on table) with large TRIPOD Used heat asphalt. GLASS STIRRERS, (on table) Used mix solutions. MIXING BOWLS (on table) Used grind shellac. Use EDIS 4062 and EDIS collection acquire. FLASKS, (on table) Used mix solutions. EDIS collection. Fluted FUNNELS, small (on table) Used mix solutions. Use EDIS 55229 and EDIS collection acquire. FLASKS with lip, (on table) Used mix solutions. Use EDIS 55227 and EDIS collection acquire. Use EDIS 5677 and EDIS collection acquire. MORTAR and PESTLE (on table) Used grind shellac. Acquire. STANDS, (on table) Used mix solutions. EDIS collection. Use E-3440. LAB NOTEBOOK (on table) See Laboratory Notebook 10- 09-29. Use EDIS 5919 (copper retort); EDIS collection (tripod). 193 . Reproduce. LAB NOTEBOOK (on table) See Laboratory Notebook 11- 10-30. EDIS collection. Use EDIS 6076. Filter SCREENS, brass (on table) Used grind shellac. FLASKS with long necks, 2 (on table) Used mix solutions. BEAKERS, (on table) Used mix solutions. Use EDIS 21153 and EDIS collection acquire