EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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BEAKERS, (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. EDIS collection acquire. There are several substances connected phonograph records. Object and Location Evidence Recommendation Table 10 LAB TABLE with RACK (in place) Figures and 35. Most the equipment this table related the simple mixing and heating of compounds. STAND (on table) Figure 32. FLASKS, round bottom (on table) Voucher 36, May 1909; Eimer and Amende Chemical Supply Catalog, 86. GLASS CONTAINER, large, round (on table) Figure 32. FLASK (on table) Figure 32, EDIS collection acquire. PYROMETER (on table) 1912 Document File, Storage Battery. LAB COAT (on rack) Figure 34. BUNSEN BURNER (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. Use EDIS 6464 and EDIS collection reproduce. EDIS collection acquire. Additionally, Edison had time look into chemicals related film stock. Reproduce. BEAKER with lip (on table) Standard laboratory equipment. EDIS collection acquire. Use EDIS 21196. The great number and variety chemicals used Edison gives an idea the great range his interests and underlines the fact that kept up with the experiments his numerous experimenters. Primarily this the work space of Ott.Table 10, Edison’s Experiments. Edison kept store chemicals here and these should dominate the top of the table. Use E-1446. EDIS collection acquire. GLASS ROD (on table) Voucher 36, May 1909; Eimer and Amenďs Chemical Supply Catalog, 86. Table was experimental table shared by Edison and his friend and assistant, Fred Ott. There are also chemicals and iron compounds used storage batteries. 196 . Use EDIS 383. Use EDIS 6575. LAB NOTEBOOKS, (on table) Common practice. Reproduce