ČAS vydala aktuální věstník změn v ČSN pro červen 2024

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

Strana 47 z 95

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 6/2024 47 Decision Product family Product Intended use AVCP system Technical specifications Body function 2003/655/ec Watertight coverings kits for wetroom floors and walls (2/2) Watertight coverings kits for wetroom floors and walls for uses subject regulations on reaction fire, Watertight coverings kits for wetroom floors and walls (1/2) Watertight covering kits for wetroom floors and walls for building works System 1 System 2+ EAD 030352-00-0503 EAD 030436-00-0503 EAD 030437-00-0503 Product Certification Body FPC Certification Body 2011/19/eu Sealants for non-structural use in joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) Sealants for external walls outdoor applications, Sealants for non-structural use joints in buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) Sealants for glazing for uses in building construction, Sealants for non-structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) / Sealants for pedestrian walkways for uses building construction, Sealants for non-structural use in joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) Sealants for sanitary joints for uses building construction, Sealants for non- structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (2/2) Sealants for non-structural use joints in buildings and pedestrian walkways / for uses subject reaction fire regulations, Sealants for non- structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (2/2) Sealants for non-structural use joints in buildings and pedestrian walkways / for uses subject reaction fire System 1 System 3 EN 15651-1:2012 EN 15651-2:2012 EN 15651-3:2012 EN 15651-4:2012 Product Certification Body Testing Laboratory page