ČAS vydala aktuální věstník změn v ČSN pro červen 2024

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 6/2024 46 tasks performed the body: last approval date: 2024-04-26 Decision Product family Product Intended use AVCP system Technical specifications Body function 2000/245/ec Flat glass, profiled glass and glass- block products (5/6) Flat curved glass panels (specially treated) for uses relating energy conservation and/or noise reduction, Flat glass, profiled glass and glass-block products (3/6) Flat curved glass panels for uses subject external fire performance regulations, Flat glass, profiled glass and glass-block products (2/6) Flat curved glass panels for uses subject reaction to fire regulations, Flat glass, profiled glass and glass-block products (4/6) / Flat curved glass panels for other uses liable present "safety-in-use" risks and subject such regulations, Flat glass, profiled glass and glass- block products (2/6) Insulating glass units for uses subject reaction to fire regulations System 1279-5:2005+A2:2010 EN 1279-5:2018 Testing Laboratory 2000/447/ec Prefabricated wood-based load- bearing stressed skin panels and self- supporting composite lightweight panels (1/6) Prefabricated wood- based load-bearing stressed skin panels for uses contributing the load-bearing capacity the structure, Prefabricated wood-based load- bearing stressed skin panels and self- supporting composite lightweight panels (3/6) Prefabricated wood- based load-bearing stressed skin panels for uses subject reaction to fire regulations System EAD 130090-00-0303 Product Certification Body 2003/640/ec Kits for exterior wall claddings (1/2) / Kits for exterior wall claddings for external walls external finishes of walls, Kits for exterior wall claddings (2/2) Kits for exterior wall claddings / for uses subject regulations on reaction fire System 1 System 2+ EAD 090062-01-0404 EAD 090097-00-0404 EAD 090125-00-0404 EAD 210046-00-1201 Product Certification Body FPC Certification Body page