ČAS - Věstník 2024-11

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 11/2024 60 Tasks performed the Body: Last approval date: 2024-08-14 Product Procedures Articles /Annexes -Equipment providing chest and groin protection EU type-examination Annex V -Equipment providing eye protection EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing face protection EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing foot, leg and anti-slip protection EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing general body protection (clothing) EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing hand and arm protection EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing hand and arm protection against chemical agents EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing head protection EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing protection against cold [cold >-50°C [extreme cold <- 50°C ] EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing protection against heat [Heat<100°C], [Heat>100°C and fire] EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Equipment providing respiratory system protection EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Protective Equipment against electric shock EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Protective Equipment against falls from heights EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII -Protective Equipment against hand-held chain-saws EU type-examination Supervised product checks at random intervals Annex V Annex VII Page