ČAS - Věstník 2023-5

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Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
43 Věstník 5/2023 prEN ISO 22476-16 Geotechnical investigation and testing Field testing Part 16: Borehole shear test (ISO/DIS 22476-16:2023) CEN/TC 341 2023-06-12 prEN ISO 11929-4 Determination the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits the coverage interval) for measurements ionizing radiation Fundamentals and application Part Guidelines applications (ISO 11929-4:2022) CEN/TC 430 2023-06-15 prEN ISO 8529-1 Neutron reference radiations fields Part Characteristics and methods production (ISO 8529-1:2021) CEN/TC 430 2023-06-15 prEN ISO 16796 Nuclear energy Determination Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel blends and gadolinium fuel pellets atomic emission spectrometry using inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-AES) (ISO 16796:2022) CEN/TC 430 2023-06-15 prEN ISO 23547 Measurement radioactivity Gamma emitting radionuclides - Reference measurement standard specifications for the calibration gamma-ray spectrometers (ISO 23547:2022) CEN/TC 430 2023-06-15 prEN ISO 24459 Determination uranium content samples coming from the nuclear fuel cycle L-absorption edge spectrometry (ISO 24459:2021) CEN/TC 430 2023-06-15 prEN ISO 21909-2 Passive neutron dosimetry systems Part Methodology and criteria for the qualification personal dosimetry systems in workplaces (ISO 21909-2:2021) CEN/TC 430 2023-06-15 prEN ISO 21909-1 Passive neutron dosimetry systems Part Performance and test requirements for personal dosimetry (ISO 21909-1:2021) CEN/TC 430 2023-06-15 prEN ISO/ASTM 52933 Additive manufacturing Environment, health and safety - Test method for the hazardous substances emitted from material extrusion type printers the non-industrial places (ISO/ASTM/DIS 52933:2023) CEN/TC 438 2023-06-05 prEN 17700-2 Plant biostimulants Claims Part Nutrient use efficiency resulting from the use plant biostimulant CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17700-3 Plant biostimulants Claims Part Tolerance abiotic stress resulting from the use plant biostimulant CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17724 Plant biostimulants Terminology CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17702-1 Plant biostimulants Sampling and sample preparation Part 1: Sampling CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17700-4 Plant biostimulants Claims Part Determination quality traits resulting from the use plant biostimulant CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17700-1 Plant biostimulants Claims Part General principles CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17701-1 Plant biostimulants Determination specific elements Part 1: Digestion aqua regia for subsequent determination of elements CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17701-2 Plant biostimulants Determination specific elements Part 2: Determination total content Cd, Pb, Ni, As, Cr, and Zn CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17702-2 Plant biostimulants Sampling and sample preparation Part 2: Sample preparation CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17700-5 Plant biostimulants Claims Part Determination of availability confined nutrients the soil rhizosphere CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17701-3 Plant biostimulants Determination specific elements - Part Determination mercury CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 17704 Plant biostimulants Determination dry matter CEN/TC 455 2023-06-22 prEN 2939 Aerospace series Screw, 100° countersunk head, offset cruciform recess, threaded head, heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286) Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) 650 °C ASD-STAN 2023-06-15 prEN 3672 Aerospace series Shank nut, self-locking, heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), silver plated, for 30° swage Classification: 1 210 MPa (at ambient temperature) 730 °C ASD-STAN 2023-06-15